Commit 641aae96 authored by Alexander Lapshin's avatar Alexander Lapshin


parent 1e8ac4e0
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ typedef rapidjson::Document jsondoc;
inline bool extract_value(const jsonval& parent, const std::string& key, bool exist, bool* loaded, jsonval::ConstMemberIterator& result)
const jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr = parent.FindMember(key.c_str());
jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr = parent.FindMember(key.c_str());
if (itr == parent.MemberEnd() && exist) {
throw Exp() << "error: element '" << key << "' not found";
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ inline bool extract_value(const jsonval& parent, const std::string& key, bool ex
static bool loadjson(const jsonval& parent, const std::string& key, std::vector<std::string>& vec, bool exist = true, bool* loaded = 0)
jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr;
if(!extract_value(parent, key, exist, loaded, itr)){
if (!extract_value(parent, key, exist, loaded, itr)) {
return false;
......@@ -267,10 +267,6 @@ template <typename T, typename T2> void loadjson(const jsonval& parent, std::map
if (!ok) {
throw Exp() << "json parse error " << filename << ", code: " << ok.Code() << ", offset: " << ok.Offset();
static bool loadjson(const jsonval& parent, const std::string& key, double& value, bool exist = true, bool* loaded = 0)
jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr;
......@@ -528,7 +524,7 @@ static void flushjson(const jsondoc& outroot, const std::string& outputfile, boo
if (pretty) {
rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
rapidjson::PrettyWriter<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
if (!outroot.Accept(writer)) {
throw Exp() << "json write fail";
std::cout << buffer.GetString();
#pragma once
#include "MException.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "TextFunctions.h"
#include "Converter.h"
#include "rapidjson/document.h"
#include <rapidjson/ostreamwrapper.h>
#include <rapidjson/prettywriter.h>
typedef rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType jsonalloc;
typedef rapidjson::Value jsonval;
typedef rapidjson::Document jsondoc;
inline bool extract_value(const jsonval& parent, const std::string& key, bool exist, bool* loaded, jsonval::ConstMemberIterator& result)
jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr = parent.FindMember(key.c_str());
if (itr == parent.MemberEnd() && exist) {
throw Exp() << "error: element '" << key << "' not found";
if (itr == parent.MemberEnd() && !exist) {
if (loaded) {
*loaded = false;
return false;
const jsonval& a = itr->value;
if (a.IsNull()) {
if (exist) {
throw Exp() << "error: element [" << key << "] can't be null";
if (loaded) {
*loaded = false;
return false;
result = itr;
if (loaded) {
*loaded = true;
return true;
static bool loadjson(const jsonval& parent, const std::string& key, std::vector<std::string>& vec, bool exist = true, bool* loaded = 0)
jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr;
if(!extract_value(parent, key, exist, loaded, itr)){
return false;
const jsonval& a = itr->value;
if (!a.IsArray()) {
throw Exp() << "error: element is not an array";
for (jsonval::ConstValueIterator it = a.Begin(); it != a.End(); ++it) {
if (it->IsString()) {
std::string str = it->GetString();
else if (it->IsInt()) {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << it->GetInt();
else if (it->IsBool()) {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << it->GetBool();
else if (it->IsDouble()) {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << it->GetDouble();
else {
throw Exp() << "error: unsupported type";
return true;
static bool loadjson(const jsonval& parent, const std::string& key, std::vector<int>& vec, bool exist = true, bool* loaded = 0)
jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr;
if (!extract_value(parent, key, exist, loaded, itr)) {
return false;
const jsonval& a = itr->value;
if (!a.IsArray()) {
throw Exp() << "error: element is not an array";
for (jsonval::ConstValueIterator it = a.Begin(); it != a.End(); ++it) {
if (it->IsInt()) {
else {
throw Exp() << "error: unsupported type";
return true;
static bool loadjson(const jsonval& parent, const std::string& key, std::vector<double>& vec, bool exist = true, bool* loaded = 0)
jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr;
if (!extract_value(parent, key, exist, loaded, itr)) {
return false;
const jsonval& a = itr->value;
if (!a.IsArray()) {
throw Exp() << "error: element is not an array";
for (jsonval::ConstValueIterator it = a.Begin(); it != a.End(); ++it) {
if (it->IsDouble()) {
else {
throw Exp() << "error: unsupported type";
return true;
template <typename T> bool loadjson(const jsonval& parent, std::string key, std::vector<T>& vec, bool exist = true, bool* loaded = 0)
jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr;
if (!extract_value(parent, key, exist, loaded, itr)) {
return false;
const jsonval& a = itr->value;
if (!a.IsArray()) {
throw Exp() << "error: element is not an array";
for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < a.Size(); i++) {
T item;
loadjson(a[i], item);
return true;
template <typename T, typename Tid> bool loadjson(const jsonval& parent, std::string key, std::map<Tid, T>& map, bool exist = true, bool* loaded = 0)
jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr;
if (!extract_value(parent, key, exist, loaded, itr)) {
return false;
const jsonval& a = itr->value;
if (!a.IsArray()) {
throw Exp() << "error: element is not an array";
for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < a.Size(); i++) {
T item;
loadjson(a[i], item);
map[item.getId()] = item;
return true;
template <typename T> bool loadjson(const jsonval& parent, std::string key, T& item, void(*f)(const jsonval&, T&), bool exist = true, bool* loaded = 0)
jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr;
if (!extract_value(parent, key, exist, loaded, itr)) {
return false;
const jsonval& a = itr->value;
if (!a.IsObject()) {
throw Exp() << "error: element is not an object";
f(a, item);
return true;
template <typename T> bool loadjson(const jsonval& parent, const std::string& key, T& item, bool exist = true, bool* loaded = 0)
jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr;
if (!extract_value(parent, key, exist, loaded, itr)) {
return false;
const jsonval& a = itr->value;
if (!a.IsObject()) {
throw Exp() << "error: element is not an object";
return true;
template <typename T> void loadjson(const jsonval& parent, std::vector<T>& vec)
if (parent.IsArray()) {
for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < parent.Size(); i++) {
T item;
loadjson(parent[i], item);
else if (parent.IsObject()) {
for (jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr = parent.MemberBegin(); itr != parent.MemberEnd(); ++itr) {
T item;
loadjson(itr->value, item);
else {
throw Exp() << "error: element is not an array";
template <typename T, typename T2> void loadjson(const jsonval& parent, std::map<T2, T>& map)
if (parent.IsArray()) {
for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < parent.Size(); i++) {
T item;
loadjson(parent[i], item);
map[item.getId()] = item;
else if (parent.IsObject()) {
for (jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr = parent.MemberBegin(); itr != parent.MemberEnd(); ++itr) {
T item;
loadjson(itr->value, item);
map[item.getId()] = item;
else {
throw Exp() << "error: element is not an array";
static bool loadjson(const jsonval& parent, const std::string& key, double& value, bool exist = true, bool* loaded = 0)
jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr;
if (!extract_value(parent, key, exist, loaded, itr)) {
return false;
const jsonval& a = itr->value;
if (a.IsNumber()) {
value = a.GetDouble();
else if (a.IsString()) {
std::string str = a.GetString();
if (str.empty() && !exist) {
if (loaded) {
*loaded = false;
return false;
if (!Converter::ToNumber(str, value)) {
throw (Exp() << "bad value format '" << str << "'" << " in container '");
else {
throw (Exp() << "element '" << key << "'" << " has unexpected format '");
return true;
static bool loadjson(const jsonval& parent, const std::string& key, int& value, bool exist = true, bool* loaded = 0)
jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr;
if (!extract_value(parent, key, exist, loaded, itr)) {
return false;
const jsonval& a = itr->value;
if (a.IsNumber()) {
value = a.GetInt();
else if (a.IsString()) {
std::string str = a.GetString();
if (str.empty() && !exist) {
if (loaded) {
*loaded = false;
return false;
if (!Converter::ToNumber(str, value)) {
throw (Exp() << "bad value format '" << str << "'" << " in container '");
else {
throw (Exp() << "element '" << key << "'" << " has unexpected format '");
return true;
static bool loadjson(const jsonval& parent, const std::string& key, bool& value, bool exist = true, bool* loaded = 0)
jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr;
if (!extract_value(parent, key, exist, loaded, itr)) {
return false;
const jsonval& a = itr->value;
if (a.IsInt()) {
value = a.GetInt();
else if (a.IsBool()) {
value = a.GetBool();
else if (a.IsString()) {
std::string str = a.GetString();
if (str.empty() && !exist) {
if (loaded) {
*loaded = false;
return false;
if (!Converter::ToNumber(str, value)) {
throw (Exp() << "bad value format '" << str << "'" << " in container '");
else {
throw (Exp() << "element '" << key << "'" << " has unexpected format '");
return true;
static bool loadjson(const jsonval& parent, const std::string& key, std::string& value, bool exist = true, bool* loaded = 0)
jsonval::ConstMemberIterator itr;
if (!extract_value(parent, key, exist, loaded, itr)) {
return false;
const jsonval& a = itr->value;
if (a.IsString()) {
value = a.GetString();
else if (a.IsInt()) {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << a.GetInt();
value = stream.str();
else {
throw (Exp() << "element '" << key << "'" << " has unexpected format '");
return true;
template <typename T> void PutValue(jsonalloc& alc, jsonval& ss, std::string conName, const T& object, void(*f)(rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType&, jsonval&, const T&))
jsonval obj(rapidjson::kObjectType);
f(alc, obj, object);
jsonval jname(conName, alc);
ss.AddMember(jname, obj, alc);
template <typename T> void PutValue(jsonalloc& alc, jsonval& ss, std::string conName, const std::vector<T>& vec, void(*f)(rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType&, jsonval&, const T&))
jsonval jsvec(rapidjson::kArrayType);
for (typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) {
jsonval child(rapidjson::kObjectType);
f(alc, child, *it);
jsvec.PushBack(child, alc);
jsonval jname(conName, alc);
ss.AddMember(jname, jsvec, alc);
template <typename T> void PutValue(jsonalloc& alc, jsonval& ss, std::string conName, const std::vector<const T*>& vec, void(*f)(rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType&, jsonval&, const T*))
jsonval jsvec(rapidjson::kArrayType);
for (typename std::vector<const T*>::const_iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) {
jsonval child(rapidjson::kObjectType);
f(alc, child, *it);
jsvec.PushBack(child, alc);
jsonval jname(conName, alc);
ss.AddMember(jname, jsvec, alc);
template <typename T, typename TK > void PutValue(jsonalloc& alc, jsonval& ss, std::string conName, const std::map<TK, T>& vec, void(*f)(rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType&, jsonval&, const T&))
jsonval jsvec(rapidjson::kObjectType);
for (typename std::map<TK, T>::const_iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) {
jsonval child(rapidjson::kObjectType);
f(alc, child, it->second);
std::stringstream stream;
stream << it->first;
std::string key = stream.str();
jsonval jkey(key, alc);
jsvec.AddMember(jkey, child, alc);
jsonval jname(conName, alc);
ss.AddMember(jname, jsvec, alc);
template <typename T> void PutValue(jsonalloc& alc, jsonval& ss, std::string conName, const std::vector<T>& vec)
jsonval jsvec(rapidjson::kArrayType);
for (typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) {
jsonval child(rapidjson::kObjectType);
PutValue(alc, child, *it);
jsvec.PushBack(child, alc);
jsonval jname(conName, alc);
ss.AddMember(jname, jsvec, alc);
template <typename T> void PutValue(jsonalloc& alc, jsonval& ss, std::string conName, const T& object)
jsonval obj(rapidjson::kObjectType);
PutValue(alc, obj, object);
jsonval jname(conName, alc);
ss.AddMember(jname, obj, alc);
static void PutValue(jsonalloc& alc, jsonval& ss, const std::string& conName, size_t value)
jsonval jname(conName, alc);
ss.AddMember(jname, value, alc);
static void PutValue(jsonalloc& alc, jsonval& ss, const std::string& conName, bool value)
jsonval jname(conName, alc);
ss.AddMember(jname, value, alc);
static void PutValue(jsonalloc& alc, jsonval& ss, const std::string& conName, int value)
jsonval jname(conName, alc);
ss.AddMember(jname, value, alc);
static void PutValue(jsonalloc& alc, jsonval& ss, const std::string& conName, double value)
jsonval jname(conName, alc);
ss.AddMember(jname, value, alc);
static void PutValue(jsonalloc& alc, jsonval& ss, const std::string& conName, const char* value)
jsonval jname(conName, alc);
jsonval jvalue(value, alc);
ss.AddMember(jname, jvalue, alc);
static void PutValue(jsonalloc& alc, jsonval& ss, const std::string& conName, const std::string& value)
jsonval jname(conName, alc);
jsonval jvalue(value, alc);
ss.AddMember(jname, jvalue, alc);
static void PutValue(jsonalloc& alc, jsonval& ss, double value)
ss.PushBack(value, alc);
static void PutValue(jsonalloc& alc, jsonval& ss, const std::string& value)
jsonval jvalue(value, alc);
ss.PushBack(jvalue, alc);
static void flushjson(const jsondoc& outroot, const std::string& outputfile, bool pretty = true)
if (!outputfile.length()) {
if (pretty) {
rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
rapidjson::PrettyWriter<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
throw Exp() << "json write fail";
std::cout << buffer.GetString();
else {
rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
if (!outroot.Accept(writer)) {
throw Exp() << "json write fail";
std::cout << buffer.GetString();
else {
if (pretty) {
std::ofstream ofs(outputfile.c_str());
rapidjson::OStreamWrapper osw(ofs);
rapidjson::PrettyWriter<rapidjson::OStreamWrapper> writer(osw);
if (!outroot.Accept(writer)) {
throw Exp() << "json write fail";
else {
std::ofstream ofs(outputfile.c_str());
rapidjson::OStreamWrapper osw(ofs);
rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::OStreamWrapper> writer(osw);
if (!outroot.Accept(writer)) {
throw Exp() << "json write fail";
static std::string jsontostr(const jsondoc& outroot)
rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
if (!outroot.Accept(writer)) {
throw Exp() << "json write fail";
return buffer.GetString();
static std::string jsontoprettystr(const jsondoc& outroot)
rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
rapidjson::PrettyWriter<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
if (!outroot.Accept(writer)) {
throw Exp() << "json write fail";
return buffer.GetString();
static void loadFileJson(const std::string& filename, rapidjson::Document& document)
std::string data;
if (!ReadFile(filename, data)) {
throw Exp() << "failed to read file " << filename;
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