Commit 64daeb01 authored by Takhir Fakhrutdinov's avatar Takhir Fakhrutdinov

Отладка allskay

parent 02bd1f21
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......@@ -170,6 +170,10 @@ def _create_allskyFile():
from .meteoFile import allskyFile
return allskyFile
def _create_allsky_hcFile():
from .meteoFile import allsky_hcFile
return allsky_hcFile
def _create_reqFile():
from .reqFile import reqFile
return reqFile
......@@ -534,3 +538,36 @@ allsky = {
factory.register_file('ASKY', _create_allskyFile, schema=allsky)
allksy_hc = {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"allOf": [
"type": "object",
"required": ["header","allsky"],
"properties": {
"header": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["originator","message_type","message_id"],
"properties": {
"creation_date":{"$ref": "#/$defs/timestamp"},
"originator": {"type": "string"},
"message_type": {"type": "string","enum":["meteo"]},
"message_id": {"type": "string"},
"time_system": {"type": "string","enum":["UTC"]},
"comment": {"type": "string"}
"allsky":{"$ref": "#/$defs/base64"}
"$defs": {
"timestamp": {"type":"string","pattern":"^(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})([T ](\\d{2}):(\\d{2})(:(\\d{2}(?:\\.\\d+)?))?)?$"},
"base64": {"type":"string","pattern":"^(?=(.{4})*$)[A-Za-z0-9+\\/]*={0,2}$"}
factory.register_file('BSKY', _create_allsky_hcFile, schema=allsky_hc)
......@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ class allskyFile(meteoBaseFile):
await super().load(fd,args)
data = json.load(fd)
fo,devs = io.BytesIO(), set()
devs = set()
self.fid = await self.getfid()
async with self.transaction():
......@@ -298,3 +298,53 @@ class allskyFile(meteoBaseFile):
self.fileattr = dict(devs=list(devs))
class allsky_hcFile(meteoBaseFile):
""" Загрузка данных ЭОП 2М
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
""" Конструктор.
.. literalinclude:: ../../../../fte/lib/libpy/
:language: python
:lines: 229,238-240
:caption: __init__
self.dbtype = 'asky'
async def load(self,fd,args):
""" Метод. Загрузка файла.
.. literalinclude:: ../../../../fte/lib/libpy/
:language: python
:lines: 27,36-
:caption: load_data
import base64'Загрузка файла...')
await super().load(fd,args)
data = json.load(fd)
fo,devs = io.BytesIO(), set()
self.fid = await self.getfid()
dev = await self.get_device('Web-camera TPLINK','12345678')
await self.check_priv_device(dev)
async with self.transaction():
for m in data:
crops = base64.b64decode(m['allsky'])
tm = datetime.fromisoformat(m['header']['creation_date']).replace(microsecond=0)
self.tbeg, self.tend = min(self.tbeg,tm), max(self.tend,tm)
night = await self.fetchval("select * from main.devget_night($1,$2)",dev,tm)
await self.execute("select * from template.partition_table('xd.t_allsky'::regclass,$1)",tm)
await self.execute("insert into xd.t_allsky values($1,$2,$3,$4,$5)",self.fid,dev,tm,night,crops)
self.fileattr = dict(devs=list(devs))
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