Commit 76023efb authored by Alexander Lapshin's avatar Alexander Lapshin


parent ce65785f
......@@ -302,9 +302,6 @@ void XInterpolator::create(const SInitOrbit& orbit, const TimeJD& beg, const Tim
m_ephi = new ei;
m_beg = m_positions.front().get_date();
m_end = m_positions.back().get_date();
// std::string sdate = DateToStr(m_beg);
// std::string edate = DateToStr(m_end);
init(*m_ephi, m_positions.size());
#include "orbBlocks.h"
#include "TimeFunctions.h"
#include "Propagator.h"
#include "xalgorithm.h"
template<bool dir, typename vartype> struct cmporb : public std::binary_function<vartype,vartype,bool>
......@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ OrbBlocksStore::~OrbBlocksStore()
void OrbBlocksStore::init(const SInitOrbits& orbits, const TimeJD& beg, const TimeJD& end)
init_min_dist(filter(orbits), beg, end);
for (OrbBlocks::const_iterator it = m_blocks.begin(); it != m_blocks.end(); it++){
m_interpolators.push_back(new XInterpolator(it->get_orbit(), it->get_beg(), it->get_end()));
......@@ -163,47 +164,70 @@ void OrbBlocksStore::init_min_dist(const SInitOrbits& orbits, const TimeJD& beg,
void OrbBlocksStore::calc_min_dist(const SInitOrbit& orb1, const SInitOrbit& orb2, const TimeJD& beg, const TimeJD& end, TimeJD& result_jd, double& result_dist)
class MinDistEvaluator
// Interpolator ip(orb1, beg, end);
// Interpolator ip(orb2, beg, end);
MinDistEvaluator(const XInterpolator& ip1, const XInterpolator& ip2, const TimeJD& base)
:m_ip1(ip1), m_ip2(ip2), m_base(base)
double calc(double time) const {
TimeJD date = ShiftDate(m_base, time*86400);
Propagator prop1(orb1, false);
Propagator prop2(orb2, false);
Vect6 p1;
m_ip1.get_pos(date, p1);
Vect6 p2;
m_ip2.get_pos(date, p2);
return sqrt(
sqr(p1.x - p2.x) +
sqr(p1.y - p2.y) +
sqr(p1.z - p2.z)) / 1000.0;
TimeJD m_base;
const XInterpolator& m_ip1;
const XInterpolator& m_ip2;
TimeJD date = beg;
void OrbBlocksStore::calc_min_dist(const SInitOrbit& orb1, const SInitOrbit& orb2, const TimeJD& beg, const TimeJD& end, TimeJD& result_jd, double& result_dist)
XInterpolator ip1(orb1, beg, end);
XInterpolator ip2(orb2, beg, end);
MinDistEvaluator eval(ip1, ip2, beg);
double step = (int)(std::min(orb1.GetKeplerData().GetPeriod(), orb2.GetKeplerData().GetPeriod()) * 1000 / 20);
double time = 0;
double time_end = DaysInterval(beg, end);
double min = -1;
TimeJD minjd;
double time_min;
bool exit = false;
//std::string date_s = DateToStr(date);
if(date >= end){
date = end;
if(time >= time_end){
time = time_end;
exit = true;
PhasePoint6D vec1, vec2;
prop1.Propagate(date, vec1);
prop2.Propagate(date, vec2);
double dist = sqrt(
sqr(vec1.CoordsVel.x - vec2.CoordsVel.x) +
sqr(vec1.CoordsVel.y - vec2.CoordsVel.y) +
sqr(vec1.CoordsVel.z - vec2.CoordsVel.z));
double dist = eval.calc(time);
if(min == -1 || min > dist){
min = dist;
minjd = date;
time_min = time;
date = ShiftDate(date, 600);
time += step / 86400.0;
result_jd = minjd;
result_dist = min;
double tol = 60 / 86400.0;
double left = std::max(0.0, time_min - step / 86400.0 /2.0);
double right = std::min(time_end, time_min + step / 86400.0 /2.0);
double shift = golden_section_search(eval, left, right, tol);
result_jd = ShiftDate(beg, shift * 86400);
result_dist = eval.calc(shift);
bool OrbBlocksStore::get_pos(const TimeJD& date, Vect6& result) const
#include "xalgorithm.h"
#pragma once
template<typename T> double golden_section_search(const T& f, double a, double b, double tol)
double invphi = (sqrt(5.0) - 1) / 2.0;
double invphi2 = (3 - sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0;
a = std::min(a, b);
b = std::max(a, b);
double h = b - a;
if (h <= tol){
return (a + b) / 2.0;
int n = ceil( log(tol/h) / log(invphi) );
double c = a + invphi2 * h;
double d = a + invphi * h;
double yc = f.calc(c);
double yd = f.calc(d);
for(int k=0; k < n - 1; k++){
if (yc < yd){
b = d;
d = c;
yd = yc;
h = invphi * h;
c = a + invphi2 * h;
yc = f.calc(c);
a = c;
c = d;
yc = yd;
h = invphi * h;
d = a + invphi * h;
yd = f.calc(d);
if (yc < yd){
return (a + d) / 2.0;
return (c + b) / 2.0;
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